Friday, October 1, 2010

Coca-Cola: “Little Drops of Joy”

Coca-Cola India unveiled its ‘5-Pillar’ growth strategy to further strengthen its bonds with India. The strategy focuses on People, Planet, Portfolio, Partners and Performance. The Company announced a range of initiatives under each of the 5 pillars and also unveiled its integrated communication initiative-“Little Drops of Joy” which aims to reinforce the Company’s ‘connect’ with stakeholders in India using a single platform. Each initiative that announced are drops of a larger vision aimed at mutual growth and development. Over the last few years, the company continuously engaged with a large number of stakeholders and has incorporated their learnings in refining its strategy for India. The integrated communication platform of “Little Drops of Joy” is a tribute to their valuable inputs and truly depicts what the Company has always stood for.

‘Little drops of joy’ is also about mother-branding the offering from the house of Coke. In many ways, the campaign is a company campaign. I will not call it a corporate campaign, but it certainly is about all the brands that Coke has to offer in India. In some ways, it subliminally establishes a wee bit of distance from being painted into the corner of a cola image alone. There is more to Coca-Cola than Coke. Coca-Cola sure wants that.

In many ways, the little drops of joy could be a Kinley mineral water today and a vitamin-enriched offering in water tomorrow. It is certainly about all the other drinks in its portfolio of the carbonated kind, orange, lime and everything else included. It is about its latest offering, Minute Maid, just as it is about any other beverage it will offer in the future. Coffee is but one. There could be others.
Unfortunately it I feel the Coke mistake continues by bringing in all its brands under one platform, instead of offering distinct differentiation. It could be very good for Coke and Sprite, but might be detrimental to Kinley or the newly launched Minute Maid. Ultimately, a Coke need not position itself as a soft-drink for everyone, it just needs to be consumed by everyone.

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